Cyndy Garcia-Weyandt
Amelia Katanski
Shanna Salinas
Cyndy Garcia-Weyandt
Assistant Professor of CES
Phone: 269.337.7426
Office: Humphrey House, room 206
B.A., Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., Culture and Performance, University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D., Culture and Performance, University of California, Los Angeles

Works in progress:
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2021. “Urban Wixárika and “other-than-human” being’s interactions the case Tatéi Niwetsika (‘Our Mother Corn’).” Re-connecting with Earth Beings Ritual Innovation and Affective Entanglements in a More-Than-Human World. Multi-Author Volume. June 2021 (Under Review).
Published Manuscripts:
- Garcia-Weyandt, Cyndy M. and López de la Rosa, Odalys M. (2022) “Proyecto Taniuki (“Nuestra Lengua”): Los desafíos de la revitalización de la lengua wixárika en el contexto urbano,” Living Languages • Lenguas Vivas • Línguas Vivas: Vol. 1 : No. 1 , Article 7. View article here.
- García, Cyndy & Felipa Rivera. 2022. “El relato de Watakame.” La pluma al vuelo. Antología de relatos de Pueblos Originarios. Región Centro Occidente. Secretaría de Cultura, México.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2021. “Taniuki ‘Our Language’ Project: The Challenges of Community-Based Participatory Active Research in Language Revitalization and Production of Art.” Edited Volume the Community-Based PhD: Complexities, Triumphs, Missteps, and Joys of Community-based & Participatory Action Research as Graduate Students.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy Margarita. 2021. “Curing with Our Mother Corn” The Jugaad Project, 27 October. View article here.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2020. “Living Geographies: Urban Wixárika Places and Spaces of Knowledge.” Journal Theory & Event.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2018. “Mothers of Corn: Wixárika Women, Verbal Performances, and Ontology.” AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. Vol 14 Issue 2. View article here.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2018. “Borders in me: Being, Living, and Resisting.” Series of poems, pacificREVIEW 2018: STATES OF LA FRONTERA.
- García-Weyandt, Cyndy. 2017. Review of Huichol Women, Weavers, and Shamans. Stacy Schaefer. Journal of Western States Folklore Society. Vol. 76 No. 2-Spring
Research Areas:
Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Land Pedagogy, Urban Indigenous Peoples of Mexico: Wixárika and Nahuas, Indigenous Art and Performances, Traditional Ways of Healing, Language Revitalization, Language Ideologies, Multispecies Relations, Ontology, Decolonizing Methodologies
Amelia Katanski
Co-Director Of CES and Professor of English
Phone: 269.337.7045
Office: Humphrey House, room 207
B.A., Kalamazoo College;
M.A., University of California-Los Angeles;
M.A., Ph.D, Tufts University

Works in progress:
Research Areas:
Shanna Salinas
Co-Director of CES
and Associate Professor of English
Phone: 269.337.7115
Office: Humphrey House, room 108
B.A., American Literature and Culture (major) and Chicana/o Studies (minor); University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. and Ph.D, English, University of California, Santa Barbara

Work in Progress: “‘Sign’ Language and Reconstructive Interpretation in John Rechy’s The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez” ; “’we are all of paper’: Re-Writing the Textual Body in Salvador Plascencia’s The People of Paper”; “De-Colonizing the U.S.-Mexico Border: Mapping Spatiotemporal Narratives of Dispossession in Karen Tei Yamashita’s The Tropic of Orange.”
Research Areas: U.S. race and ethnicity and sociohistorical processes of racialization (Chicanx, Blackness, Whiteness), borders and spatiality, material culture, and textuality.