Meet your Departmental Student Advisor

Best Adjective to Describe Yourself: Inquisitive
Congratulations Class of 2021 Graduate
In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
The thoughtful and loving way in which our community demands critical thinking and learning in all bodies of knowledge.
What is your advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Don’t be afraid! Speak up and ask questions. Get out of your comfort zone and learn to think, think — it ain’t illegal yet.
What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
How to see ourselves in relation to our communities, colonial structures of power, and with the land we inhabit. Exposure is important to growth, so allow yourself to explore different departments of learning.
What has been your favorite class at K? Why?
The Critical Ethnic Studies core curriculum because each class introduces us to new ways of thinking and knowing. All three core classes open us up to different environments of learning.
How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
Critical Ethnic Studies asks us to learn in all spaces and encourages engagement with every department.
What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
All that we do is experiential learning.
What is your SIP?
A reflection of what we love that is accumulated from our learning in CES.
What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
Continue to study in community with one another, those that we meet, and the land. Commit to seeing each other, knowing each other, and loving each other.