Meet your CES Departmental Student Advisor

Stephanie Martinez
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Majors: Critical Ethnic Studies, Art History, and Women, Gender & Sexuality
Study Away: Washington D.C.
Study Abroad: Oaxaca, Mexico
Best Adjective to Describe You: Passionate
Nominated by departments or programs. Stephanie knows firsthand what it’s like to be a CES major. She is available via e-mail and at special campus events to answer your questions. DSAs do not replace academic advisors or faculty, but serve as an additional resource at K.
What Stephanie Loves about Critical Ethnic Studies and More
In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
The professors! They inspire me!
What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Take a CES class or elective whenever you get a chance. They’re all amazing! Everyone in the department is welcoming!
What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
I was able to learn about different communities in Kalamazoo while being a part of the Center for Civic Engagement. I was able to build community outside of the K Bubble.
What has been your favorite class at K?
My favorite class at K is ENGL-323 Chicana/o/x Literature with Shanna Salinas! This class really inspired the work that I am doing. I took this class as a freshman and then I was able to TA for the class junior year. As a Chicana, this class warms my heart. The readings have been really touching each time I read them. If you have the chance to take this class, please do!
How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
Taking English classes at K has been wonderful. Taking Intermediate Poetry as someone who loves to read and write poetry was a wonderful experience. I was able to learn and grow as a poet. As someone who isn’t an English major but is writing a SIP in poetry this class is going to be helpful.
What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I was able to study away in Washington D.C. in the fall of junior year. I was able to be a part of Leaders Across Borders in Northern Ireland/Ireland. During the Winter of junior year, I was able to study abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico. I am the Civic Engagement Scholar for Community Advocate for Parents and Students (CAPS) (22-23) and (24-25). I was a part of the HILL Grant for New Orleans Winter of 2022.
What is your SIP?
For my SIP I will be writing Poetry that is inspired by personal life.
What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I hope to get my teacher credentials to become a high school teacher. I would love to be a teacher within my community back home. I want to obtain my master’s, I don’t know in what field just yet.
What is a random fun fact about you?
My mom and I share the same birthday!