Anjelica Rodriguez (Squash)

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Majors: Critical Ethnic Studies, Biology
Study Abroad: Budapest, Hungary (Cognitive Science Program)
Best Adjective to Describe You: Resilient

In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
CES can be applied seamlessly into other areas/departments so you are left unable to “unsee” things.

What is your advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Reach out! Even if there is not something specific you have a question about, talk about any ideas or interests you may have. Every story is worth telling and we are here to empower yours.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
The most valuable thing I have learned at K has been to be okay with making mistakes and to acknowledge that learning is a process that can take many forms.

What has been your favorite class at K? Why?
My favorite class at K has been Insurgency and Solidarity (CES 260). Before, I had only been focused on biology, chemistry, and math courses. It seemed like a continuation of high school, only on a much more challenging level. Insurgency and Solidarity completely changed the way I view things and has given me powerful tools to think critically about issues in my community and their underlying causes. That was the class that convinced me to be a double major.

How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
The open curriculum has allowed me to truly delve in these issues through different departments and still have time to participate in civic engagement and West African percussion. I am a double major in two departments that aren’t perceived to overlap and was still able to study abroad in Budapest for 6 months. I want to be a doctor, so being a Biology major has helped with that, but as someone who wants to heal, I must acknowledge other forms of ailment such as social injustices that affect us. I am equipping myself with these tools through the classes I take in a variety of disciplines.

What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
Externship opportunity shadowing doctors in San Francisco, El Sol Elementary classroom assistant and tutor, Writing Center Consultant, Minority Association for Premedical Students Founder/President, and Teaching Assistant.

What is your SIP?
Themes: Hierarchy of knowledge in science/Biology, Co-Production of Knowledge, What is considered “real science” and why?

What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I want to give a hand at teaching elementary school children before going to medical school and specializing in pediatrics. I want to give back and help heal the community that transformed me into what I am today.

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