
Requirements for the Major

Eight units are required.

Required Courses

  • CES 200: Argument with the Given (Key Concepts)
  • CES 240: Language: The Colonial and Imperial Difference
  • CES 260: Insurgency, Solidarity and Coloniality of Power
  • CES 490: CES Senior Colloquium
  • Four Electives chosen from Critical Ethnic Studies Elective List:
    • ANSO 270 Communities and Schools
    • ANSO 357 Immigrants and Exiles
    • ANSO/CES 410 Missionaries to Pilgrims: Diasporic Return
    • ANSO 424 Border Epistemologies
    • ARTX 360 Queer Aesthetics
    • CES 300 Body, Land, and Labor
    • CES 330 Healing Justice
    • CES 340 Plant Communication/Kinship (with CES 395L Plant Communication/Kinship Lab)
    • ENGL 150 Reading the World: Beyond Realism: Imperial Romance*
    • ENGL 155 Reading the World: Identities (Borders)*
    • ENGL 156 Reading the World: Social Justice (Chicano Social Activism)*
    • ENGL/SEMN 217 World Indigenous Literatures: The People and the Land
    • ENGL 218 Water Stories: From the Great Lakes to the Pacific
    • ENGL 220 African American Literature
    • ENGL 221 African Literature
    • ENGL 222 U.S. Indigenous Cultures
    • ENGL 230 U.S. Ethnic Literature
    • ENGL 260 African Cinemas of Belonging
    • ENGL 310 Constructing Blackness
    • ENGL 318 Post-Colonial Literature
    • ENGL 323 Chicana/o/x Literature
    • ENGL 331 East Asian Diasporic Literatures
    • ENGL/SEMN 492 Advanced Literary Studies: American Indian Literature and the Law
    • HIST 252 Urban Histories of Colonialism
    • HIST 291 History of Latin America in its Colonial Period
    • MUSC-207/SEMN-210 Listening Across Cultures
    • POLS 229 Race, Law, & US Politics
    • RELG 122 Religions of Latin America (and the Caribbean)
    • RELG 123 Catholicism in the Americas
    • WGS 390: Feminist and Queer Inquiry**
  • *Courses taught as part of the Reading the World (RTW) series in the English Department must be approved of by CES Director. Only RTW: Identities taught by Dr. Salinas and RTW: Beyond Realism taught by Dr. Sinha currently count as approved CES electives.

**WGS 390 will count as an elective only if taught by Dr. Fong. All other iterations of this course will have to be approved by the CES Director.

Courses that fit into the major will be designated CES courses under course type. The elective lists will continue to develop. For a list of current electives please consult the Critical Ethnic Studies website.

Courses taken at other U.S. colleges and universities, or on Study Abroad, may count for an elective course. We usually only accept one transfer credit toward the major. Please speak with the Director of the program for final approval and clarification.